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VIDEO: Goals and Dreams Are Powerful Motivators

jacobtedBehavioral Finance, blog, Financial Planning, Your Loved One Has An Addiction Leave a Comment

Recovery teaches us to “take one day at a time”.

For those in recovery, this is a stark contrast to personal finances, where wealth accumulation takes time. In addition, we must replace impulsive financial behavior with purposeful spending. Creating a budget is not the same as living within a budget.

For the families of those in recovery, comprehensive planning allows you to help your loved one, without sacrificing the livelihood of your family.

Plan for success and increase the chances of an ongoing recovery for the individual and their family.

In February 2020, Michael was a guest on “The Recovery Boys” radio show, discussing the impact of finances on families. He is also a lecturer at recovery centers across the U.S. on the topic of financial literacy and the role it plays in recovery.

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